The forums have been upgraded from VBulletin to Xenforo. Extensive testing was conducted before this switch, but due to the size of SnoWest, there will inevitably be minor bugs found.
- Search is currently being built, and results from the search function will be incomplete until the process is completed, an hour or two from now.
- If you find any bugs, please let me know here.
And FYI, Private Messages on this software are called "Conversations" and are functionally equivalent. You can message someone by clicking their avatar and select the start conversation line.
- Search is currently being built, and results from the search function will be incomplete until the process is completed, an hour or two from now.
- If you find any bugs, please let me know here.
And FYI, Private Messages on this software are called "Conversations" and are functionally equivalent. You can message someone by clicking their avatar and select the start conversation line.