Just got back yesterday from Invermere. Rode Paradise on Sat. and Forrester on Sun. Snow was windblown in Paradise, but we hunted out some fresh and untouched in the trees. Forrester was deeeep....socked in as usual, but unreal pow....Like to send out a big thanks to the dumb **** that stole my rev jerry can at the fuel drop spot before the foot bridge....really classy buddy! It's not like it's not expensive enough already to enjoy this sport, and then you get retards like that that steal your stuff. Luckily we had some more fuel stashed and had just enough to get us out. I was just following the rules, which we need to do in order to keep some of these riding area's open. Left it there many times before and never had a problem. But, I can tell ya now I'll never be leaving fuel there ever again.