Sorry there Allwaddedup, alot of us were planning to go, but it just didn't work out to do a big trip this year. How many people didn't make our forum ride last year? No big deal, just isn't for everyone and the same reasons we don't want to come there I expect.
I hope the forum ride is a blast and wish I could make it. CB sounds like fun to ride and with some good people, but I spent over 5 grand on the sled this winter for mods/repairs and such and only got in 1/2 dozen days of riding, so I just want to ride it now, and the closer and cheaper the better.
Reserve another spot for one more low rent payin, trailer livin, Romen noodle eatin, parking lot posing azzhatNow I'm off to the hole to put one more top end together!
10-4 Have good time. You all will be missed.
Allwaddedup OUT