I spend most of the winter months sledding in the Fish Lake area as my family has a cabin there and nothing beats riding from the garage. I am aware of other heavily used areas having some sort of organized clean up in the spring/early summer months. I would like to start a similar event in the Fish Lake area.
I would definitely like to hit the major Sno Parks as well as some of the heavily used intersections/destinations. Snocone comes to mind... This is still in the very early planning stages, but I am determined to make this happen. I will hopefully be working with the Lake Wenatchee Rec. Club and the Forest Service.
I would like to open this thread to opinions and suggestions on how to get this event rolling. I will also use this thread to update the progress of the planning of the event. If you have any ideas, or would like to volunteer your time or resources, here is the place to let me know.
I would definitely like to hit the major Sno Parks as well as some of the heavily used intersections/destinations. Snocone comes to mind... This is still in the very early planning stages, but I am determined to make this happen. I will hopefully be working with the Lake Wenatchee Rec. Club and the Forest Service.
I would like to open this thread to opinions and suggestions on how to get this event rolling. I will also use this thread to update the progress of the planning of the event. If you have any ideas, or would like to volunteer your time or resources, here is the place to let me know.