Not my very first, but my first big one!
1990 or 1991
about the time I graduated high school
Reba McEntire, Brooks & Dunn, & "Matthews, Wright, and King" (I think,) at Metrapark in Billings, Mt.
Reba was of course awesome, (and HOT!)
My friend and I went back to the Hilton where we were staying to get some CD's from our room before we went out to cruise downtown and we get on the elevator to the lobby. There's this guy in sweats and a baseball cap in the elevator, and I'm looking at him thinking the whole time "I know this guy from somewhere".
He asks us "Go the concert guys?"
"Yeah, it was pretty awesome" we said.
He says "Yeah, it was pretty good from up on stage, too."
That's when I said "Kix Brooks, right?"
"Yeah, that's me" he said
Never did get his autograph, but that was the highlight of the trip!