1- DJ helix or the 44/33 doo will work good enough
2- USI thriple threat skis worked the best for me
3- BOSS seat (good luck getting one)
4- Order a new bumper now, will will need it
5- skid plate
6- Smitty has a sweet drop down kit, i think its $95ish
7- buy a clutch puller and forks if you dont already have them, clean the hell out of the primary if its dirty, repet this process every 3-4 rides until the original factory added funk is gone, the guy before you have have done this already??
8- pull the sway arm linkage, zip tie the remaining arm to the sled somehow
9- trim each side of your track, basically remove about 1/8" off of each side, it will rub and maybe cause real damage
10- check the drive shaft, a few of them broke the whatever ya call it weld on either side, most broke on the chaincase sidee
11- does it have the original gearing?....is so, Doo will gear you do for free, see a dealer
12- the the hand warmers work, this is also under warrenty
Have fun, the XP is still the best sled i have ever had/ridden....