too many people can,t drive that canyon as it is.
Sooo true. I grew up at the bottom of the canyon, and I know lots and lots of people who have gone off the edge, a few very close friends didn't make it. My grandpa and I went over when I was younger and hope to never do that again.
It seems like everytime I go up there, (weekly),some "darwin award" is stuck part way up, blocking the road with a toyota tracell.
I can't in good faith say stay away from farmington, but before you go, make sure your stuff is insured and up your life insurance!!!
Small trailers or a flatbed truck and chains is the only way I'll drive that road. Big rigs and enclosed trailers, ya, good luck.
Also if you're a beginner or don't know the area, please go to monte. I know how that sounds, but you can get into alot of trouble really fast up there.
If you're not a beginner and don't know the area, pm me I'd be happy to ride with ya. I'll even try to get you back without having to walk out. (done that a few times too)
Oh ya great pics, glad you found some powder, I went up friday and it was an Ice bowl. Scary stuff sliding backwards.