That was awesome. Man I miss riding in Fairview. Moved to Boise five years ago, however, my folks live there and I've been able to ride the Skyline frequently. Unfortunately they're away for a while, so I won't get to ride there for another year or two.
Wow, looks great! I am going to Fairview Friday and Saturday with a group of 14 sleds. We will try to stay out of any secret "locals only" spots.
I'm not familiar with the area, so hopefully we can stumble upon some of the fun spots to ride. We are not "hardcore" by any means, so that spot in the video is right out.
Rode Fairview yesterday 1/30 it was socked in at the big drift and the wind was blowing like no other. We dropped down towards scofield and rode a bit lower. It was pretty good, flat light, lots of blowing snow, some freezing rain! It was a strange day weather wise. Maybe 12 inches of new that was blown who no where.
Look what you started Johnny with that 74mph comment.. More like 56 to 57 with the non ported 163. Trygstad 860 with paragon setup... Thing runs!! Best sled I have owned