I have a used Primary (P-85) off a 03 XC 800 3000 miles, includes 66 gram weights and black/ green spring........................................$150.
Also have a primary off a 07 IQ 600 with 2500 miles..............$130.
Weights AC 73, 70.5, 68
Polaris 66, 64, 58
Springs Polaris Almond/Red, Black/ Green, Blue/ white, gold, blue
Email PROXJC@aol.com for pictures and questions
Also have a primary off a 07 IQ 600 with 2500 miles..............$130.
Weights AC 73, 70.5, 68
Polaris 66, 64, 58
Springs Polaris Almond/Red, Black/ Green, Blue/ white, gold, blue
Email PROXJC@aol.com for pictures and questions