Hey guys! Great site here...I have learned alot. I just got done cleaning my VES valves on my 07 600 CFI per the nice thread that mountainhorse had in sticky section My first time doing this myself and wasn't too bad...although I can see why guys just leave the original gaskets on because they are a bear to get off in one piece and really stick to the motor! Anyway-I noticed after pulling off the MAG side exhaust valve that about a 1/2 cupful of rust colored water came pouring out the cap port and didn't have any in the PTO side. Checked/cleaned the bellows/springs with WD-40 and they appear in good shape. I did some searching and found out that there is a drain hole for the headlight area that sits directly above the MAG side VES. I'm pretty sure that's where the water came from. Closed up the hole and drilled another a few inches over and I think that problem is solved. I have seen some pics of other sleds on here with rust stains/splatters around the motor and I would bet that the same thing is happening to other IQ's. Just thought I would pass this info on