I got three years on a PRO, three on an IQ, and they bellow out quite a mess out of the vent hose. Not gallons, but a definite quaintifable amount has come out of these engines.
So your buklhead gets dirty, get some Goof-Off, grab a beer and hose her down.
A quick Google search will show that the tree-humpers and scientists are starting to link amphibian mutations to synthetic lubricants. Think three-eyed and five legged frogs.
And they are also showing that the birds that are eating aqautic invetabrates are linked to the lubricants as well. Think: "crossbilled" birds (where the upper and lower jaws don't align.)
And in one study they even mention that the only ORV's that could possibly reach some of these watersheds have to be snowmobiles due to the fact that we can access more terrain than any other ORV due to snow cover over seasonally impassible areas like rock fields, creeks valleys and steep angles.
These lubes are on our chassis swing points, jackshafts, etc. but most predominanlty the injection oil. Now you guys that use convential oils aren't exaclty off the hook either, it's just that the synthetic are more toxic to these organisms.
Responsibilty comes in all shapes and practices.
I personally would Dry-Hump a tree if it guarantees I can teach my future grandchildren to ride in the same areas I ride in.
For an example of cause and effect: Our Dads' diesels were dirty, sooty, slow trucks, The OEM's listened to them and made them cleaner, quieter and more powerful. We wanted even more power and develop and throw on tuners and DPF deletes that give us insane amounts of power and over-fuel the hell out of them.
And we get: "Smoke-Shows" or even stupider, guys who can't afford a tuner so they throw on a "Smoke-Switch" that shuts down the turbo and over fules so they can roll-smoke.
Only took about four years of public complints and the EPA is now going after the aftermarket producers of some of these components.
It will not be long before they start going after us individual truck drivers.
I want a tuner, I want 1000 ft/lbs of *** stump-pulling tourqe. But I not gonna' smoke and be a spectacle that the vocal minority will target.