Tie knot below handle on rope starter. Ratcheting noise could be ICE on track. Brake may be on if throttle does not control engine. NEVER RUN OUT OF FUEL, not good for pump or injectors. Always have beacon, probe, and cell phone--- what else? Never ride alone... I found out the hard way. Look before you leap!!!!! Since you have to come UP, what you go down, make sure you can GET BACK UP! Spare gas!! Maps.. GPS...shovel matches... compass... fire starter.... xtra plug... NEVER TURN LEFT/RIGHT WITHOUT LOOKING FOR A SPEEDSTER THAT IS PASSING YOU...sudden death. Constantly look for avalanche areas.... extra coolant... Don't hang your ski on the top strand of a 4 strand bobwire fence while going 75 across a meadow. Zip up your tool bag, tools can get loose in engine compartment. When in deep snow, check air intake for drops of water or moisture. HYDRATE!! Cash/credit card in jacket for gas at a intermediate stop(middle of ride) in case no attendant is on duty and you have to get gas with a credit card. Do some states require have a drivers license to ride?
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