Here's some information on the topic that I copied off the internet. So, the validity of the below information is in question.
I live in Washington and drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee every day back and forth to work. I was getting 20.5 to 21 MPG and now I am getting 18.5 to 19.5 MPG. I quite certain we are suffering through ethanol based fuels again. How can using 10-20% more fuel be good for the environment?
Feb. 11--BOISE, Idaho -- A Senate committee narrowly rejected a bill Thursday requiring all gasoline in Idaho to contain 10 percent ethanol.
With the Senate Transportation Committee split 4-4 on what to do with SB 1004, Sen. Bert Marley, D-Pocatello, cast a no vote.
"There are some questions that I need answered before I could vote for this," Marley told the committee and a room packed full of onlookers.
The bill, backed by the Idaho Farm Bureau, would have required all gasoline sold in Idaho to be at least 10 percent ethanol by 2010.
The state of washington has mandated that gasoline sold in the state be blended with ethanol. major oil companies are transitioning their gasoline to a 10% ethanol blend. this started on april 1, and will be completed by june 1, 2008. be aware that ethanol-blended fuels may cause sediments to mix with the fuel resulting in plugged filters. additionally the presence of water on the bottom of your tank may reduce the oxygenate content and the octane rating. be careful buying fuel at these cut rate stores, they may not have changed out there filters to the pumps.
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05-10-2008 #2
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 214 Not to mention that it costs more so fuel prices will go up.
AND it makes your vehicle get worse mileage so you have to buy more gas.
Glad I work in CDL
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05-11-2008 #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 975 ...all the pumps i've been to here in CDA say up to 10% .....and i think they are running that much
Once again, please read with a grain of salt.