After such a GREAT start... turning into another "POWDERCREW" kinda year! Keep dropping the mag side cylinder on the 900 and cant get it figured out. Been sittn down at the repair shop for a week after 3 weeks of trying to solve it myself. "Borrowed" my old "backup" 700 Mtn Max that I traded off for a boat... only to nail a stump under the snow and punch a HOLE in the track 3 hrs into our ride last friday! Took a total of over 5hrs getting it back to the trailer as it threw the track TWICE and had to get back on the skid! GOTTA GET THE 900 FIGURED OUT!!!! And now this friday I get to put a new track on the MAX and get it back to its owner... YEAH!
Cool pics Blaze! Todays ride was up and down... FUN ride with the TEAM SUMMIT crew... First time in Lamoille I've seen 3! sleds all go DOWNHILL into THICK TREES! and NOIT get TOTALED!!!! SNOWED ALL DAY... HIGH wind, but everyone got home and everyone was smiling when we loaded up... hope the weather breaks tommarow?...