Just to clarify a little because it sounds like I was a little confusing on my statement. I start out tuning WOT, but I DO tune the rest also. Tuning with a BD box is easy because all you do is push a button, but you have so much adjustability it isn't easy. Unless you have advanced the timing and done some other things, you shouldn't run harder and hotter than a long pull at WOT, that is why that's where I start at. Once I have the mixture that gives me a good wash reading at WOT, then I look at the egt's to tell me where my optimal running temp is. With my BB, I had a lot of help from Cutler, because he already knew where my temps should be at, but I guess my main point about the egt's is that they are REFERENCE only!! EGT's don't always accurately tell you what is going on in the combustion chamber. I've had too many egt's that for no apparent reason obviously give me false readings. Why? I couldn't tell you, I'm just saying that nothing can tell you more accurately where your mixture is better than looking at piston wash and plug color. That was my biggest point I was trying to make.