If someone gets this in Washington, I will help you set it up and show you how to run it on my Nytro....
With all the stuff the guy has on it... it would be killer for tuning... Just a 5 gas analyzer and 3 laptops and you are set! I am so jealous...
The electronic servo is the shiat! I wonder if this is the newer one with the large turn degree from full open to full stop?
Also curious if this is the new curved vanes dyno... the straight ones had a very difficult time with high torque 4 stoke motors at low rpms.... 3-5k...
Man I miss dyno days..... Nothing like burning through a 1 gallon fuel cell of E15 in 10 minutes running WOT! Got hot headers? I have a burn on my hand from one.. fricken watch..lol
Say it JJ... It is dy-no-mite...
Sorry for the flash back....