I huge problem i have is living out in the sticks.. Well having the shop 1500 ft away from the house. Drive way is about a 1/4 mile off the main road. So far i have had three break-ins! NOW missing Two YFZ 450 Quads.. White in color.. From the last two break-ins..
Trying to catch this little F**cks! Grr..
So i am looking for ... Night Vision Plus really good Color.. and Hopefully wireless.. maybe not.. Cameras To mount in and around the shop.. also Facing coming down the drive way and also going out!...
Thinking 20 Camera's should do the trick! maybe more..
Also How.. Do i store All this flim.. For maybe a month at a time or so..
Any Idea's???
NO, i didn't get any shots fired at them,, Darn IT!
I huge problem i have is living out in the sticks.. Well having the shop 1500 ft away from the house. Drive way is about a 1/4 mile off the main road. So far i have had three break-ins! NOW missing Two YFZ 450 Quads.. White in color.. From the last two break-ins..
Trying to catch this little F**cks! Grr..
So i am looking for ... Night Vision Plus really good Color.. and Hopefully wireless.. maybe not.. Cameras To mount in and around the shop.. also Facing coming down the drive way and also going out!...
Thinking 20 Camera's should do the trick! maybe more..
Also How.. Do i store All this flim.. For maybe a month at a time or so..
Any Idea's???
NO, i didn't get any shots fired at them,, Darn IT!