I see a lot of guys putting their stuff away for the year. We just got back from riding Whistler with Chris Brown. Had new deep snow all 3 days we were there. Stayed at his house and ate his food for 3 days and nights. You basically have the ground floor of a $4,000,000 house all to yourself. We never rode the same place twice. In fact we rode 3 distinctly different areas each day. He was very flexible and worked the whole deal to our schedule. We called him like 2 days before we got there when our other plans fell through and booked the whole deal. Whistler is BIG, I would not ride there without some local knowledge. I also got a chance to see him ride the trees on a turbo Yamaha which was pretty amazing. I knew nothing about Yamaha except what I read on Snowest. Got me thinking about buying one.