So I am just on the way to get my monthly torture from a shiatsu specialist here in Seattle. Dude is a freaking master. Japanese American guy, served in Vietnam, tough as nails. Must be 60 something but looks late forties tops. Usually end up going in there all twisted up and broken and walk out right as rain. Hurts like a bastard, you can here people yelling in there sometimes. Shiatsu is all about getting your blood flowing. So many times I have gone in there thinking I have a sprain or pulled muscle or something that is going to take a month to heal and by the next day after I am 100%. I have a Chiro that is the same way. Rarely actually cracks my back or neck. Just kills a chicken or two, spreads the bones around the office and I leave there in great shape. I was referred to these guys who where pretty busted up and needed something the old cut and prescribe doctors couldn't give them. I have compression fractures in my back, 4 knee surgeries, degenerative disc and other neck problems, ankle and foot injuries(breaks and sprains), broken thumbs from skiing, disclocated shoulders and clavicle, numerous concussions and on and on. Without these two guys I wouldn't be sledding, skiing, hiking, working out everyday etc. So who do you see that is "alternative" and how does it work for you?