I got a digatron for my 01 edge 600 w/out electric start. I have hooked up to a yellow wire near my voltage regulator. It seems to stop reading at about 5.8rpm(5800). am i hooked up incorrectly, is that the cause? Were should i hook up the Power/Tech wire??
I am using a DT-33, 3 window, egt/egt/tech.
They sent me a red and black wire combo for hook up... The guy i spoke to was not sure on were to hook up maybe some one on the site has an edge that uses one that could help me out please?
I am using a DT-33, 3 window, egt/egt/tech.
They sent me a red and black wire combo for hook up... The guy i spoke to was not sure on were to hook up maybe some one on the site has an edge that uses one that could help me out please?
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