The comments were pretty riveting, I just spent an hour and a half reading them. Wow, its a lot like SW but instead of 2 or 3 liberals, there were a handful there. Still, the banter was very similar.
I work for the Wolf dealership that is located in Jackson Hole. This is causing quite the stir. We have been getting a lot of phone calls some good and some bad. Good to see the boss has the balls to put it up.
There were some idiot protesters with a tolerance banner this morning. I yelled at them to get jobs and off the Gov't dole when I drove by real slow.Them people with the tolerance banner aren't very tolerant.
I love it! It is not far from where I live. He had one up before that just said "where's the birth certificate".
Mr. Wolf was on Kaplis and Silverman on KHOW this afternoon. I am glad to hear someone who isn't afraid to say what he is thinking. He isn't concerned about it hurting his business. He is more concerned about what is happening to our country and how it will affect his grandchildren. He is 60 yrs old. He is almost ready to retire!