I just got back from a 10 day riding trip that included the Tailgate AK event and Arctic Man. Both events are sled orientated and draw thousands of people to literally the middle of no where in Alaska to ride. Think Hay Days but in the middle of winter and in awesome terrain. Manufactures always have demos at these events. Arctic Cat had 5 2016 153's with the 3" track there. I was pretty excited to ride one because I wanted to snow check one. I signed up for the demo ride and after the usual paper work stuff off we went. I dipped a ski of in the soft snow and the Arctic Cat guide immediately stopped me and informed me that we would only be riding the trail to the mountains and back, zero off trail time. What a joke, I completely decided then and there I would not purchase a cat. This guy was even from Cat corporate headquarters. How do you get people excited about a mountain sled if you only let them ride a trail at 15 mph? Went back to vendors row and filled out the paper work on the axys for a demo. Polaris gave zero restrictions and we had a blast. Ski Doo was the same way. With the crowd at these events being oil and gas workers, everyone has money to burn and usually snow check after the demo rides. Wake up Cat, you possibly had have the best sled for 2016 but no one will ever know it because of the worthless demo rides.