My dad picked up a 240 Deere Skid Steer and he is having a bit of a wiring issue. I'm thinking there is a short to ground somewhere as his battery will be dead overnight. I have around 5 amps from the ground cable to the negative post on the battery. When we connect the negative obviously there's a nice little spark but there's also a relay powering up.
I got a friend who works at RDO to get me the wiring schematics for the machine and started fumbling through them. I figured out its the accessory relay that is powering up. From what I can see that relay runs the horn, backup alarm and some other 12v switch of some sort. I've eliminated the backup alarm. I cant find the horn and I didnt know what the hell switch they are talking about.
On my way home I got to thinking maybe the key switch is shorting out letting the accessory be on in the off position. Just a thought...
I hate diagnosing electrical issues...
I got a friend who works at RDO to get me the wiring schematics for the machine and started fumbling through them. I figured out its the accessory relay that is powering up. From what I can see that relay runs the horn, backup alarm and some other 12v switch of some sort. I've eliminated the backup alarm. I cant find the horn and I didnt know what the hell switch they are talking about.
On my way home I got to thinking maybe the key switch is shorting out letting the accessory be on in the off position. Just a thought...
I hate diagnosing electrical issues...