What a tragedy. I hate to hear things like that. My heart goes out to those involved.
I was a tour guide up at snowbird last year. We did ride on some tours all the way down the Heber side and the problem I see with that area is people drive way to fast on the trails because they want to get up to the open areas to ride. The trees are so thick up there you can't really go off the trail very much until you get to these play areas. Another problem is new riders don't understand just how dangerous the sport really is. Some will start to goof off and try to pass each other and accidents happen. I'm not saying that is what happend at all cause this is the first I've heard about it. We all need to to be careful up in the mountains, especially on the trails. I know for me I hate trails, I am spoiled where I ride cause there are no trails. We just unload and dissapear anywhere we would like to go. So when we get on trails it takes a lot to stay undercontrol and at a safe speed until we can get to those open areas. Please be safe put there guys. Its one thing to hear about poeple that get hurt that do it al the time and know the risks involved, but to hear about someone that just wanted to have a little weekend fun trying something new and different is horrible.
Just remeber that evertime we pass someone on the trails at 45 mph or faster we are just feet away form death, sometimes less than that. Just saty safe and drive at a reasonable speed.