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Czech president says UN climate change crap is "undignified propaganda"

Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
A voice of reason among the climate change clowns...
Czech President Vaclav Klaus condemned the UN climate change meeting on Tuesday as undignified propaganda.
Reuters reported:

Czech President Vaclav Klaus sharply criticized a U.N. meeting on climate change on Tuesday at which U.S. President Barack Obama was among the top speakers, describing it as propagandistic and undignified.

"It was sad and it was frustrating," said Klaus, one of the world's most vocal skeptics on the topic of global warming.

"It's a propagandistic exercise where 13-year-old girls from some far-away country perform a pre-rehearsed poem," he said. "It's simply not dignified."

At the opening of the summit attended by nearly 100 world leaders, 13-year-old Yugratna Srivastava of India told the audience that governments were not doing enough to combat the threat of climate change.

Klaus said there were increasing doubts in the scientific community about whether humans are causing changes in the climate or whether the changes are simply naturally occurring phenomena.

Another hero Sen. James Inhofe (R., Okla.) says he will send a "truth squad" to the Copenhagen global climate change meetings later this year.


FOX News reported:

A failure to address climate change could create an "irreversible catastrophe," President Obama warned Tuesday in a speech at the United Nations in New York City.

"No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change," the president said.

Obama said time is "running out" to fix the problem but that, "we can reverse it."

But the United States has been greeted with skepticism on pledges to advance climate change legislation.

A sweeping climate change bill passed the House this year, but it has been held up in the Senate as health care reform dominates the domestic agenda in Washington.

Climate change ranks dead last in a nationwide poll-- Only 2% call it America's most pressing issue.
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Feb 20, 2008
West of East
Why did they get to start calling it climate change instead of global warming? I just saw something on TV where they were saying that if it wasn't for climate change the cooling we have seen over the summer was less than it would have been without climate change. That was funny. What a bunch of suckers there are out there.
Nov 26, 2007
Craig Colorado
Climate change, global warming, it's all a fear campain to push the liberal agenda and to line the pockets of the "green" comunity. Now it's a great marketing tool to use the word "green" in your advertising to sell more product. I hate all the sheep in this world. If ignorance is bliss this is a happy country!


Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
Scientists are totally confusing anyway. Across the valley from me on a sagebrush hillside and on private property a fellow with a new government pickup has been working on about a 2 acre plot of sage every day all day for at least 2 months a summer for about 4 years. I walked over and looked at it once, there were about 5000 stakes in the ground with no rhyme or reason to them. They were hard reading sons of guns too because there was no writing on them. I am sure he thought he had found some obscure little plant that doesn't grow anywhere else in the world but to me it seems like one hell of a waste of taxpayer money. Probably something to do with climate change. I would rather we had a lot more good old common sense.
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