Well depends on what made it go to a low PSI. If your pulling a load or a hill real hard and it drops, then just back out of it so as not to demand so much from the pump as it can’t keep up. However if it starts to become a regular thing occurrence and or stays below 7 PSI all the time a new lift pump is needed. You DO NOT want to starve the injection pump on that model pickup as you WILL be replacing the injection pump again. As well as Trany work, I would put on a aftermarket fuel pump, like a FASS or an Air Dog. As stated earlier they should run about 14-15 PSI all the time, no matter how much you demand of them. If you are going over 400 HP I would go to the FASS or Air Dog 150 and anything under you should be good with the FASS or Air Dog 95. The factory lift pumps are junk and only have a predicted useful working life of 35,000 miles under stock conditions and some don’t even make it that far. Bump up the power and the stock lift pump can’t keep up with demand. As gauges go, I would get the Juice and Attitude monitor combo. Reason being that the Attitude monitor allows you to monitor just about every function of your pickup while your on the road. Exhaust temp, trans temp, fuel pressure, turbo boost, fuel temp, true Oil pressure, and a few other things I believe and best of all its all built into one little box that mounts on your pillar and you can adjust power settings on the fly. Also has a function that allows you to set warning for exhaust temp red lines, fuel pressure red lines, you get the idea.