Not so serious but wishlist for 2026 deep snow models
- New spindle to fix front end geometry, 2018 rs spindle is ready just use that
- Proper ski, just copy tmx/gripper/mohawk and be done with it
- Proper ski rubbers
- New 900cc non turbo 170hp+, 8300rpm+
- Lighter hood, better headlights, better storage compartment as stock
- Make a proper tunnel bag like Burandts bag is
- Add 4 piston brake also to deep snow sleds
Wishlist for G6 for the future
- Narrow the body and use 15" track in all models
- Shorter cooler and shorter tunnel overall, get rid of front cooler, its too sensitive to rocks
- Redesing the bulkhead so you can swap lower and upper A-arms without taking the hood off
- Lighten the turbo & components, theres a lot to do here
- New secondary that is not solid shaft to replace QRS
- Simplify everything to make it lighter, cheaper and easier to maintain