Just out of curiosity, have any of the companies making avalance air bags partnered with either state avalanche control teams or ski resorts to conduct field testing of their products with crash test dummies?
What I'm getting at is, I'd like to see some comparisons between the different bag makers in conjunction with the snow control teams who kick avalanches off for snow control.
EG, put a dummy up on a hill with a beacon and an air bag, set the air bag off, then watch them use the avy howitzer and kick a slide off on the f dummy ...
I know this kind of testing would be very labor and cost intensive, but with all the different style 'balloons' out there these days it'd be nice to see some actual field test results instead of just speculation about which kinds work best ...
What I'm getting at is, I'd like to see some comparisons between the different bag makers in conjunction with the snow control teams who kick avalanches off for snow control.
EG, put a dummy up on a hill with a beacon and an air bag, set the air bag off, then watch them use the avy howitzer and kick a slide off on the f dummy ...
I know this kind of testing would be very labor and cost intensive, but with all the different style 'balloons' out there these days it'd be nice to see some actual field test results instead of just speculation about which kinds work best ...