I took my bike to Canvas Craft tomorrow to get fitted for a cover, they are making a universal cover so I can keep it when I get a new bike, it is going to have pockets around the engine that 110v heating elements can slip into so I can plug it in and thaw it out over night when I am staying out of town to ride. It will be a travel cover made with marine grade vinyl with secure tie downs, and velcro straps, it will cover from the bottom of the forks all the way back to the rear fender or possibly subframe of the kit (seems like that would be the most universal).
I dont about other guys but even with the bike in the back of the truck it seems to get full of salt and road grime, and putting the bike on the trailer is like running it through a sand blaster, open radiators + salty, sandy roads=
they said the first one might be a bit spendy but any after that they will be very reasonable, especially for multiple orders, 5-10 covers would probably make them pretty cheap! I will know more tomorrow am on price, and hopefully have pics by the end of the week!
If anyone is interested let me know, pm me or respond or something