I believe you are talking about are the 3 filled beds that are assigned for covid that just happen to be occupied at the time , what your not privy to is the 70 beds that were open .
This is how your fake news informs the people .
Typical socialism tactics , so lets get rid of the nurses and doctors so those beds can fill, OPEN YOUR EYES! or just shut up because there are those of us that believe people have rights .
Kirk , if you truly believe there is a pandemic and your life is at danger I'm sorry but if you have another agenda than you know where you can go .
Yeah, I mean, you must be right because the whole world sure would be in on a hoax to let the socialists take away your freedom in the US by making you wear terrible horrible cloth masks. Oh, the humanity... I’m sure factories in Malaysia are shutting down just so the man can stick it to ya.
Get over yourself and stop believing everything you see on YouTube. Good friend of mine is an ICU nurse, her partner is an ER doc. They have no reason to push a covid conspiracy, they make tons of money pandemic or no. and based on what I hear from them it’s no bullshit.
Why would anyone say a totally disprovable lie that ICU capacity is filling up in the south. Guess what, it is. Not hard to prove, unless you believe some freak show liar on YouTube. It’s filling up up here again too, but at a much slower rate because people are smart enough to understand that an MRNA vaccine won’t make you magnetic