That sucks. Thieves should be hung.
It's amazing the amount of theft that is occuring in Florida. I'm not bashing where you live, theft happens everywhere. But I frequent a couple of powerboat/sportfishing sites, and every day someone is posting about a boat (almost always go-fast center consoles) that is stolen right from their yard/lift/slip. And these b*stards are ballsy too. People pull the batteries from their boats or their lifts, and the thieves just bring batteries with them. Stealing them in the middle of the day sometimes. Boats are almost always found in one of two places. Either being used in offshore drug/people trafficking from Cuba, or just a few miles from where it was stolen, stripped of all the electronics and outboards.
I hope you get it back, but based upon the stories I've heard, I wouldn't (obviously) hold your breath. Sorry for the loss. Insurance claim?