yeah, i saw that mentioned in another thread here...
i got an email (spam email) from Citi bank this morning and it said something about donating some ## billions of $ to the 'go green' initiative, with mentions of global warming BS, etc.
i'm going to stop using my Citi card now..even if I do get a % back..
granted, research into alternate fuels is something that HAS to happen...fossil fuels will NOT last forever. but closing off land is in NO way related to this sorta thing...and thats where the problem lies...everyone bundles all this stuff up together and makes it sound like its best for everyone.
and thus, when i (or we) say i'm against it, it sounds like i don't care about the environment, etc...when i do...just not in the same, extremist way.
when you consider the millions? billions? of cars/trucks/transportation vehicles in use DAILY around the world (on a 24/7 basis)...thats obviously where the majority of air pollution is from. not from the thousands? maybe million snowmobiles in use 4-7 months a year, ~24 hrs a week (yeah random guesstimation)..
yeah, in that scenario, i can see why alternative fuels should be researched. for those billions of vehicles. but, also in that scenario i can't see a dire need to put an end to a recreationalists 'fun time'...
if these people focused on the real, true problem here, they'd actually be doing all of us some good...
anyway.../rant off for now...