So after replacing odd and end broken or limping parts on a '97 600 SX (VMAX) I bought, I decided to run it for 10-15 minutes to make sure all was good (I know, I had a feeling...) Smoked a lot like a fogged engine would/should and eventually cleared up to "normal" 2-cycle exhaust, and warmed up the engine, hoses, and both running board heat exchangers. I let it run while occasionally bumping the gas, and then noticed some coolant on the head. I know it wasn't there prior to starting it; I personally cleaned this engine last week. It is not obvious that it is weeping from these bolts, but the only logical place to come from. What do I have here? I have a feeling I will be making a call to the seller. What I need to know is how much of my $750 he will be putting in an envelope for me so I can fix this and sell it w/ a good conscience. I put a couple pics I took while it was running, although it was dark. Thanks in advance.