I have a new 17 M 8000 with 0 miles on it. After I let the sled run for a few minutes at idle I turned the track over last night and noticed some coolant on the track. Based on where it was, it has to be leaking from the top of the heat exchanger but off the middle on the clutch side. I looked up the schematics of the cooling system and noticed the coolant tank is sitting pretty much right where it was dripping onto the track.
Heading on a trip tomorrow morning, think it's a loose clamp? Or could it be over flow from too much coolant in the tank? Not sure if idling for a few minutes would make it overflow though. Thoughts?
Heading on a trip tomorrow morning, think it's a loose clamp? Or could it be over flow from too much coolant in the tank? Not sure if idling for a few minutes would make it overflow though. Thoughts?