It seems that all Americans hear these days is how they have to "Tighten thier belts", because times are tough. Yeah, who made the times tough. I'm not so foolish as to believe that it's all our government's fault but they don't seem to be boosting our confidence much. We have to bail out everybody including CEO's making millions. Apparently, it's even acceptable to fly to Washinfton in private biz jets to ask for more taxpayer money(I have never ridden in a biz jet and I'll bet if I ever do, I'll have to pay for it). It's no wonder that I am not surprized when the same people that are telling us this stuff give themselves another raise. These are the people we elect and trust to govern our country and to do what is right by us. More and more they show us that being in a high political position it simply a means of advancing themselves rather than representing the folks that elected them. It's amazing that anyone has any trust left in them at all. It is shameful that they would even accept it when so many hard working, honest people are struggling. Excuse my rant, but it's just insane how brash these people are. My 2 cents.