SLP twin pipe setup 08-2010 Polaris 800 CFI with 2 to 1 SLP can allowed at noise dec rated riding areas)
Carl's 50% race gas head mod (alt 5500-8000)
Digatron DT54S RE2 Data Logger EGT Instrument (four window with 2 egt)
ECU (custom program)
This is a dialed kit with well known performance results. If you have an IQ RAW 800 and you want a HUGE INCREASE in performance this is an awesome package. This setup ROCKED in Alpine Wy and I was accused of having a Carl's 860 big bore in the sled. Wasn't but I did kick a lot of butt with it and it was super fun! I can also provide you with exact clutch kit spec's to enhance your performance results.
Retail Cost:
SLP twins $925
Digatron EGT $525
Head work $120
Experience to get them to run correctly PRICELESS!
Entire KIT $950
Call Rob at 208-724-6677 (leave a message) or email
Carl's 50% race gas head mod (alt 5500-8000)
Digatron DT54S RE2 Data Logger EGT Instrument (four window with 2 egt)
ECU (custom program)
This is a dialed kit with well known performance results. If you have an IQ RAW 800 and you want a HUGE INCREASE in performance this is an awesome package. This setup ROCKED in Alpine Wy and I was accused of having a Carl's 860 big bore in the sled. Wasn't but I did kick a lot of butt with it and it was super fun! I can also provide you with exact clutch kit spec's to enhance your performance results.
Retail Cost:
SLP twins $925
Digatron EGT $525
Head work $120
Experience to get them to run correctly PRICELESS!
Entire KIT $950
Call Rob at 208-724-6677 (leave a message) or email