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Coming to your favorite riding area soon...CLOSED.

Feb 29, 2016
I've not replied to the other stuff because there's no point, it is not worth my time.

Ya, I am sure that is it LOL...

Meanwhile, we continue to lose riding areas because you and yours are playing by the rules. You really should consider making a real stand on the issue if it is that important to you.
Mar 10, 2014
Colorado Springs
I have no desire to get into a sh*t show argument on the forum, but "outlaw" ways and challenging authorities to enforce riding area restrictions can go wrong with a quickness. And cause financial a$$pain for you.

Especially if they know that eventually... you have to come back to your truck.

Source: Personal experience. :face-icon-small-coo


Oct 15, 2016
Miami FL Sunshine and Ladies
YuParking lot posers with bright gear and 174 sleds are not welcome at my ridding spots. If you show up bad things will happen to you. Stay away!!!!! You are the ones getting us noticed with your fancy gear and 174 loud go anywhere cause you cant ride sleds. More tools in the back county on sleds Equals more closed down areas. Do not encourage anyone you know to ride sleds cause you shouldn't be riding a sled. You should sell your sled at a 8k loss to someone who deserves it and is gona pull your pink wrap off asap and put some real miles on her.
And if I see any posers ridding in shut down areas you wont have to worry about the forest service waiting at your truck. Cause ill be waiting there and i dont write tickets I smash things. And im really Fing good at it.

Pay no attention to red mountain. He is just upset cause he drained his kids college fund to buy an 08 Porsche Cayenne. His wife then found out about it and started a affair with there accountant. It really is a messy situation and we need to be nice to him while he tries to get through this with out hanging it up.

Ive been on SW for a month and have come across a few cool guys. But mostly mid life crisis tool bags and younger future mid life crisis tool bags. The snowmobile community as a whole at the moment is a sad bunch of know it alls. I have turned it into a joke for my own amusement but was honestly trying to just talk to other sled heads cause i am passionate about sleds. Instead i was meet head on by a bunch of douche bags. So fine i can be pretentious tool too. If you want to see the current state of snowmobiling, just look at my post history go from bad to worse.
The truth of the matter is the mountains are a beautiful and awsome place. People who love the mountains are the real deal. It doesn't matter if your on XC skis or a Sled. People who see the mountains as a place for there amusement need to go to a amusement park

Red mountain is even copying my work.
I was ripping on him for stalking my posts and he turns around and uses it on someone else. This is just sad!!. SW is starting to lose its entertaining value for me. You mid life crisis cases make it way to easy to get you all fired up.

You go to Snocross race and people are as friendly as can be. Whats the deal with poser moutain sleders thinking they rule the world. Its not all moutain sledders. And i wish we could stop calling them mountain sleders and just call them posers. It really is insulting to guys who love the mountains. I love them on my XC skis on my bike on my feet and sometimes yes on my sled. I went to hay days this year and it was awsome people where nice and helpful, then i went to the snow show in Denver and people where rude and stuck up.

All my good stuff always gets deleted by these moderator guys. You give a guy a little power and it goes right to there head. I rarely use bad language in my posts. I dont see what all the fuss is about.
I think i forget that this forum has been around for awhile, and while i have found a nifty way to pass time and jail on civilians during a low snow early season, you guys are dead freaking serious and this is actually what you do day in day out.
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Mar 16, 2010
Hah! I see "red mtn" is banned currently, I wonder if the reason he changed his name from "CO Powder" to "red mtn" has to do with his feces attitude.

I'm just glad that he and "CO Powder" are one and the same, it'd be really disturbing if there were two people wired that way.

Porsche Cayenne, huh? Heh. Awful. Tarted up VW. The turbos are fast, that's for sure, but I somehow doubt he got a "good" one.

I guess he'll be back in a couple of days, we'll surely get some more entertainment.


Oct 15, 2016
Miami FL Sunshine and Ladies
I may be an *** hole, but i know im an *** hole and try and keep it in check as much as possible. People like red mountain are dangerous cause they dont realize what they are. That dude actually thinks what he is saying and doing makes sense and is justified. That is what scares me about people, they can be very dangerous and ignorant. Very few people wake up wanting to be bad people. But some people are to dim and ignorant to know that they are a bad person. That is why i say less people on sleds the better. Unfortunately more people on sleds Equals more ignorant miss guided *** hats on sleds. If we didn't have all these people out there giving us a bad name we might be able to skate by unnoticed. But when 50 sleds a day blow by you while XC skiing with your dogs it sucks. I XC ski and hate when sleds go by. Ive had a sled almost hit my dog once. Ive been pelted with snow from machines without flaps who dont slow down. Id say 50% of riders slow down, but alot of guys blow by you at 35- 40 mph. Its just the attitude of snowmobilers that rubbs wrong people the wrong way.
Mar 16, 2010
I agree - the crappy attitude of some makes a really bad impression. I got into mountain bikes early on, and at first, there were a lot of conflicts - mountain bikes buzzing hikers, not slowing down near horses, same type of stuff.

The mtb people figured it out, internally started policing. Now? By and large, no problems. There are areas that are hiker only, a couple of trails locally that are bike only, direction controlled trails, and in some places, closed to bikes on, say, Saturday, open Sunday, or odd/even numbered days, etc etc etc.

IE, the bikes worked with the "tree huggers" and came up with a reasonable compromise. It CAN work, but. ....ahhhh who knows.

I like how dumb mtn claims that working with other groups won't work, he's been doing it that way for years and it did not work.

Ok. I agree, we've lost a lot in the past twenty years. I agree, a different tactic/angle is probably wise. I agree, his efforts were not rewarded.

But......go ride closed land? Really? Ugh. Idiot.
Mar 16, 2010
Oh, forgot - those mountain bikes who enforced the rules for "the opposition?" Those idiots who were dumb enough to cooperate?

They're riding all kinds of new trails all over the country.

Oh, bikes are not motorized, that's different!

A) no, not really
B) bikes have real environmental impact
C) they managed to get stuff OPENED to them. Not just preventing closures, but new areas. huh. Magic.

Still hung up on the no-motor part? Ok, fine - the dirt bike world has lost some in the past decade. ...but they've gotten new trails in that timeframe, too, in both CO and UT.

Shrug. I do what I think I should. IMHO, the first thing we need to do is drop the "fight for your right" attitude. Combative from the start, you'll get resistance.

Ahhhh oh well.
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Feb 29, 2016
Oh, forgot - those mountain bikes who enforced the rules for "the opposition?" Those idiots who were dumb enough to cooperate?

They're riding all kinds of new trails all over the country.

Oh, bikes are not motorized, that's different!

A) no, not really
B) bikes have real environmental impact
C) they managed to get stuff OPENED to them. Not just preventing closures, but new areas. huh. Magic.

Still hung up on the no-motor part? Ok, fine - the dirt bike world has lost some in the past decade. ...but they've gotten new trails in that timeframe, too, in both CO and UT.

Shrug. I do what I think I should. IMHO, the first thing we need to do is drop the "fight for your right" attitude. Combative from the start, you'll get resistance.

Ahhhh oh well.

Yes, of course... go along to get along. Great plan. It will never work but, you go ahead like nobody has ever thought of that before.
Mar 16, 2010
Yes, of course... go along to get along. Great plan. It will never work but, you go ahead like nobody has ever thought of that before.

uhh......it HAS worked, for two different user groups, both of which have a much harder "sell" when it comes to environmental impact.

and hey, look, the 4wd crowd is doing it, too:


If three user groups are able to get NEW STUFF OPENED to them, three user groups who have actual, undeniable environmental impact, three user groups that have a much larger opposition base (far more people recreate in summer than winter), then why can't we?
Feb 29, 2016
uhh......it HAS worked, for two different user groups, both of which have a much harder "sell" when it comes to environmental impact.

and hey, look, the 4wd crowd is doing it, too:


If three user groups are able to get NEW STUFF OPENED to them, three user groups who have actual, undeniable environmental impact, three user groups that have a much larger opposition base (far more people recreate in summer than winter), then why can't we?

and the truth is, all gave up something else to "compromise" in order to move "forward".

I do not think you have all of the information. lets also keep it to petrol powered examples since the bicycles are just skiers recreating in the summer. OF COURSE they give themselves a pass.

Why not sleds? Mostly due to all the lies they like to perpetuate about snowmobiles. For some reason skiers seem to consider themselves more entitled than the rest as well.

Fact is, thousands of sledders have tried. All have failed. Even when well organized with a generous support base (SAWS) they had to disband after ten years of getting nowhere at great expense.

If you really want to move the sledder adgenda forward you are going to have to be a LOT more ruthless than you seem to be willing to be. I assure you the other side has no qualms about lying and cheating to steal from you. You need to understand THAT before you can even begin.

Next I think the single best thing you could work on is cutting off public funds used for legal battles by one group, the greenies, to put the beat down on sleds and other motorized users. Just leveling the playing field would be a HUGE victory. You just do not seem to have any idea who you are up against.
Mar 7, 2008
Hope Jan 20, 2017 is start of restoring sensible forest management

At least the poll in the above thread is now over 70% currently supporting snowmobiles. Greenie forest service mgmt does not care though - they only have to demonstrate process before they close more and more areas to motorized use. Greenie emperor controls it at the highest level; dept of agriculture. Hope after Jan 20 the forest service culture of 'lock you out of the forest' changes.

But I will tell you having just come back from West Yellowstone, at least one snowmobile winter 'guide' is pretty busy brainwashing the masses from New Jersey/et al about the evil unsupervised snowmobilers in YNP [ As one guide at Rendezvous Snowmobile in West Yellowstone tells his tour groups " snowmobiles were driving 4 sleds abreast at 80 mph " in Yellowstone. (big fat lie) ] Point is they have access to tourists and perpetuate lies and myths about snowmobiles, ironically guiding snowmobiles to do it. Same guide tells stories to tourists to support the forest service narrative on the non native grey wolf 're'introduction (says it's proven, the grey wolf is the native wolf) Just another branch of forest service management / national park management.

Hopefully Jan 20th will be start of developing sensible forest service management, but it will take changing leadership from the Dept of Agriculture all the way down.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 10, 2012
At least the poll in the above thread is now over 70% currently supporting snowmobiles. Greenie forest service mgmt does not care though - they only have to demonstrate process before they close more and more areas to motorized use. Greenie emperor controls it at the highest level; dept of agriculture. Hope after Jan 20 the forest service culture of 'lock you out of the forest' changes.

But I will tell you having just come back from West Yellowstone, at least one snowmobile winter 'guide' is pretty busy brainwashing the masses from New Jersey/et al about the evil unsupervised snowmobilers in YNP [ As one guide at Rendezvous Snowmobile in West Yellowstone tells his tour groups " snowmobiles were driving 4 sleds abreast at 80 mph " in Yellowstone. (big fat lie) ] Point is they have access to tourists and perpetuate lies and myths about snowmobiles, ironically guiding snowmobiles to do it. Same guide tells stories to tourists to support the forest service narrative on the non native grey wolf 're'introduction (says it's proven, the grey wolf is the native wolf) Just another branch of forest service management / national park management.

Hopefully Jan 20th will be start of developing sensible forest service management, but it will take changing leadership from the Dept of Agriculture all the way down.

Trump's sons are avid motorsports enthusiasts and hunters...

the fact that greenies look from the bottom up instead of the top down is ridiculous. There is zero reason my 800cc snowmobile needs to pass emissions standards.
There was a study done a while ago that said a 747 flying from LAX to JFK outputs more emissions than all snowmobiles in the US in 40 years or something crazy like that.

****, a cargo ship going from Japan to CA pollutes more than every single passenger vehicle in the US combined in one year.


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Jul 8, 2001
Sammamish WA

There is one good thing about emission regs on sleds: They now use less than half the gas in a day. Last ride: 2001 ZX 151" 10 gallons, 2017 850 G4 165" 4.3 gallons. Quite a difference. Don't tell me about the cost of the sled, we know!
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