The fueling is not the problem, I actually was adding fuel to the mid range but the closer my clutching gets the closer I get to slp bd #'s. Right now I'm running the slp full exhaust, bd box, bdx intake and oil delete, slp 44/36 helix, stock springs, and ground some cat 80g weights down to 75g leaving most of the tip weight. just over 5000ft I'm pulling right about 7600rpm with either belt. the 46 has better bottom end and the 60 has more top end, and not as much bottom end, but I removed some fuel from the mid range with the 60 on and got it working better but not as good as the 46. I mean the 46 off bottom flat snapped up to about 35-40mph but then slowed down the 60 would start pulling real hard around 35mph. But the top end falls over when you put it to a hill. It will still pull 40+mph track speed with the skis in the air barely moving over the top of a hill. Last when I'm on the trail in climbs right up to about 80mph and then slowly climbs up(real slow) my 07 with stock clutching would flat rip all the way up to 95mph and then slowly climb. Hit 92mph once on the 09 and blew a belt, If I old it down for any period of time at all on the trail it blows the belt to shreads.
But still no one that is running the complete slp recommendations?