Please don't bash my 600, I love it. I don't care that an 800 would have more power than a correctly clutched 600.
So this winter I will be riding between 10000-12000 feet and I would like some better clutching for that range. MDS clutching and SLP told me that a 140/340 Primary and a 160/260 secondary spring would help alot for cheap. One company told me to stay with stock clutch weights and the other said no way, they are the old series and wont perform as well. So my question is basically what is the best aftermarket clutch kit that will be better than my 10-54 weights? I don't care about adjustable too much as I will just go back to stock setup when I get home. I found these
So this winter I will be riding between 10000-12000 feet and I would like some better clutching for that range. MDS clutching and SLP told me that a 140/340 Primary and a 160/260 secondary spring would help alot for cheap. One company told me to stay with stock clutch weights and the other said no way, they are the old series and wont perform as well. So my question is basically what is the best aftermarket clutch kit that will be better than my 10-54 weights? I don't care about adjustable too much as I will just go back to stock setup when I get home. I found these