Snow; it should tell the approx. engagement speed in your owners manual. My sx700 is 4000. You check actual engagement rpm when on a hardpacked trail and stopped. You slowly give throttle until sled just starts to move. The rpm at this time is your engagement rpm. It sounds like yours is pretty close at 3800. You are probally checking with the rear of sled raised which still gives a good idea. I thought from your post, it was crazy high like 7000! Do you have snow to test ride it? I doubt you caused any damage to the spring. If you had pushed it out of it's end slot it would increase the preload a bunch causing a high engagement. If you have lined the clutches properly (sounds like you did) and are engaging at 4000, +or- 1000, you should be good to go. The sx500 is a good dependable sled!