Got my first ride in for the year this past weekend. We only had about 20" total here in Maine so I only got a limited amount of riding, but enough to work out any kinks...I made some clutch changes for this year and have a couple questions
Sled: 2010 M8 1600 miles, both clutches removed, cleaned, and inspected. No issues found, rock rollers in secondary.
Last years clutch set up was as follows
stock sealevel set up)
71.5 primary weights
yellow/white primary spring
40 degree secondary helix
no shift assist
orange secondary spring
This year I swapped out the following parts to mimic SLP's recommended clutching:
44/36P helix
shift assist in secondary
SLP blue/pink primary spring
Initial impressions...mid range/backshifting is just awesome. On flat terrain Stab the throttle going 40mpg and it pulls like a fright train, rpms go right to 8000. However in a climb I only see about 7500. My thoughts are my clutch weights might be to heavy? But again I am getting good rpms on flats. So I guess my question is should I aim to hit peak rpms during a climb and disregard flat terrain rpm? I know theres quite a few guys with a lot of clutch tuning experience here so I figured I'd see some opinions...
Sled: 2010 M8 1600 miles, both clutches removed, cleaned, and inspected. No issues found, rock rollers in secondary.
Last years clutch set up was as follows
71.5 primary weights
yellow/white primary spring
40 degree secondary helix
no shift assist
orange secondary spring
This year I swapped out the following parts to mimic SLP's recommended clutching:
44/36P helix
shift assist in secondary
SLP blue/pink primary spring
Initial impressions...mid range/backshifting is just awesome. On flat terrain Stab the throttle going 40mpg and it pulls like a fright train, rpms go right to 8000. However in a climb I only see about 7500. My thoughts are my clutch weights might be to heavy? But again I am getting good rpms on flats. So I guess my question is should I aim to hit peak rpms during a climb and disregard flat terrain rpm? I know theres quite a few guys with a lot of clutch tuning experience here so I figured I'd see some opinions...