The city mission has a free food day yesterday across from our dealership and two things burn my azz!!!
1) The people standing in line waiting for or governement free food are talking on there cell phones while in line!
2) They all get the same ration of food and it includes a bag of potato's. After recieving there FREE food (for the needy) they take what they wanted and discarded the brand new bags of potato's in our dumpster. It halfway filled the thing cause these ungratefull POS's didnt want potatos.
Then I was telling another guy about this last night and he informs me Cell West even advertises there phones and say they will hook you up on the "assisted low income cell phone plan" WTF?????????
1) The people standing in line waiting for or governement free food are talking on there cell phones while in line!
2) They all get the same ration of food and it includes a bag of potato's. After recieving there FREE food (for the needy) they take what they wanted and discarded the brand new bags of potato's in our dumpster. It halfway filled the thing cause these ungratefull POS's didnt want potatos.
Then I was telling another guy about this last night and he informs me Cell West even advertises there phones and say they will hook you up on the "assisted low income cell phone plan" WTF?????????