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CHAT BOX is GONE for ???


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Sunday night we tried to update the SnoWest Chatbox.
That was a huge mistake.
The new updated version took down the entire forum for 30 minutes.
In the end we had to remove the chat box entirely to get the forums back on line.

We are now waiting on another license from the software manufacturer to attempt a reinstall.

Sorry for the loss of the feature.
Hope to have it back not later than tuesday night
Just a note here~ we are all hanging out in the Live chat section until our regular chat gets back up and running~ just thought i would mention it~
It was!!! and just for the record~ it was all Cerialsledders fault!! all comments can be directed to his in box!! LOL!! ;)
The live chat with the video cams has actually been quite addicting~ But awesome nes Christopher!!
Sorry man.
This one is just out of our hands.
We are sitting here waiting on the coder to authorize us to activate the new chat box.
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Sorry this is taking so long.
We are still waiting on Misuer "Clément Letonnelier" who created this little masterpiece to get back to us.
Treadmill next to chatbox sucks!!!! Takes up most the useful viewing area of the chatbox. Make it go away!!! And fix the clock!!!
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