Seems like every sled I have ever owned or worked on has the chaincase drain plug stuck in the case. Last summer when I was replacing chaincase bearings, I decided to do something about that damn stubborn plug. Its nothing too genious, but it worked. The hard part is getting the old plug out when the allen fitting rounds off. I used a file to make an edge on the plug head, then a hammer and chisel to turn the plug and thread it out. After that I picked up a standard bolt (7/16" fine thread) and a neoprene washer. I cut the bolt off so it doesn't protrude into the case, and it worked out nicely. It is important to inspect the inside of a chaincase from time to time, so pulling the cover to drain the case isn't a bad idea, but its messy. So now when I want to inspect I can drain the oil THEN pull the cover without making a mess in my bellypan. I just noticed the pictures I had taken and thought I'd make a little thread of it, might be of use.
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