The Castlegar Snowmobile Association will be holding the annual AGM on Tuesday Sept. 14 at 7p.m. in the Kootenay room at the Castlegar Rec. Complex. This is for elections of the executive commitee for the new season and to discuss what we have done and our future plans. The club membership drive and fundraiser will be held on Oct. 15 in the Selkirk room at the Complex.We will have displays of the new sleds from our local dealers as well as many prizes to be won.This year we will be featuring both Cam and Tyler Hicks new movie FollowCam and also Jim Phelan's Thunderstruck 9. This will be an all ages event, so bring the whole family. We are planning on having burgers, hotdogs as well as refreshments as part of the fundraising activities, more details to come. thx wayne
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