Exactly. They have no problem setting up blockades so that honest people can't go to work logging, road building, mining, you name it. So by that logic, us interupting their way of life should be fair game.
There's a place I ride dirtbike quite often that has a moose in it, see it in damn near every time I go past on the logging road for a couple years. It doesn't freak out, it doesn't die, it doesn't change its eating habits or stop making babies....it just F'ing sits there looking like a moose. One time I came around the corner and it was standing in the road, it looked at me, I looked at it, and we went our seperate ways....wooow BIG DEAL. They are just taking this stuff to the extreme so they have more fresh tracks to ski.
They care less about saving the planet, and more about taking a swipe at the "big evil capitalist lifestyle" that we apparently represent. The percentage that will actually get out and enjoy said land is small. Sorry, I apologise for working hard to do what I enjoy. If your Subaru wagon, ski pass and 3 month a year tree planting job makes you happy, that's great! Different strokes and I am 100% ok with that! Just don't tell me what I should or should not do.
If they close down good area around here, I'm goin anyways. I can get along with the animals just fine; can't say the same for the people.
We should just pick a weekend and everyone hit up the protected areas all across the province in protest.
They can't arrest us all!!!!!!!
That how the tree-huggers get things done!!!!!!