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carb issues??? I think....



Active member
I have 02 polaris RMK 800. just bought it. Took it for the first time. Runs terrible on low end. And not full power through out. Runs better when chock is at half. Would this be dirty carbs? pilot jet and main jet?? clean out? After taking choke off. Seems to try and fowel plugs. Any other ideas????
Being the first run of the year, it is bound to be something in the carbs. Especially if it wasn't fogged properly and gas stabilized.
I'm not sure but I think the engine was coated with oil. The gas tank was completly empty. runs and idles fine on trailer. but when you get on the snow. doesn't wanna run very well. boggs alot til it gets going. then it will bogg on low end again. Even after its warmed up. Runs fine with choke at half on low end. gotta be dirty carbs right?
Yep - Pull them apart, squirt carb cleaner in the pilot and idle jets/passages, blow them out with compressed air and make sure all is clear.....

At the end of season, drain your carbs or use stabil and start the engine once a month over the summer........
Just got done. Took for a spin. same issue. didn't fix problem. One plug is dark brown. other plug is real light tan. whats my next step?? The sled boggs real bad. then put choke at half runs ok. then take choke off runs like a rocket for a min. then back to bogging. set choke to half and repeat cycle. Whats do I adjust>?
Does it sputter and backfire at all?

If you are sure you got the carbs clean, I would pull the pipe and have a look at the pistons. If one is party melted can do what you are saying.

Did you pull the pilot jets out when you cleaned the carbs? If not I would go back and pull the pilots, blow through them and hold them up to light to see through them. They are the smallest orifice in the carb and the one that fuels idle-1/4 throttle. Its probably the light tan side thats the problem. Have you tried changing plugs?
Yes new plugs. Just spent all day adjusting it. Had it close but had dead spot at the 1/4 throttle. Could not get it tunned out. Called slp. had wrong main jet and pilot jet. Sled had 400 mag/390pto. Slp said 380 mag/37 pto. got new new jets started over. E clip on #2.
Still had same problems. Last adjustment put e clip on #3 now eveything seems good through out the whole range. Still need to fine tune. This was all done at 5000 elev. I ride at the snowys. So now need to go up and dial it in. Still seems a bit lean. So should be close when I go up to the snowys. I hope I dont have more serious problem.
haven't heard of having to put e clip on #3 Might have vacum leak.
Any sugestions??? anyone know for sure where the air screw and fuel screw should be set at?
Its 2002 polaris 800 rmk Slp pipe and can, air box, v-force 3 reeds. 8-10000 ft
I think I'm close.
Fine tuning is frustrating!!!
my 700 was doing the same thing I played with carbs forever. would only run good if choke was at half. I finaly gave up took it to the mechanic. Said it was a bad crank seal that was creating a vacum leak. You can take a can of carb cleaner or ether and spray it around the crankcase. it will suck it in and the engine will rev up if you have a leak. Might want to check it before you rip your hair out.
When I had my SLP single I ran 360's, clip in the middle, Never touched the fuel screw, air not sure.

Check the seals like boxster posted.

Once you get it set, you should never have to touch it again though.
Thanks guys! I think its close. I just have to go up to mountains and really fine tune. (I hope) Going to The Snowys Dec 22-24. Gotta get this problem fixed before then.
Tried spraying the carb cleaner at the base of cylinders. No change. Compression chk was about 115 on both. Dont suppose anyone would be willing to go up with me to help tune?? I can take stuff apart and put back together, I'm just not sure about how to tune carbs. Not sure where exactly it is suppose to be.
Is polaris of cheyenne a good place to take a sled? Can they tune it tune right altitude without having to take sled up to mountains??
I think I got it guys. sure had lot different ideas. Thanks. Especailly on carb screw. Which was air and which was fuel. But I got it
I would recommend getting a shop manual for your sled. Not an owners manual. Big difference. I have an 05 rmk 700 edge, great sled. The manual helped me out alot tuning my carbs. running great now.
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