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California OHV TRUST Fund Survey


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Dear CNSA members,

The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division of California State Parks has always valued the partnership it has with CNSA. I am writing you in hopes that you can please help us in a very important survey which we need to accomplish during this snow season.

The OHMVR Division supports trailhead plowing, maintenance, and trail grooming in 11 National Forests throughout California. These popular trails and trailheads are used by motorized and non-motorized users for everything from snowmobiling to dog sledding. As part of our ongoing commitment to better meet the needs of the recreating public while ensuring environmental protection, this winter the Division, in partnership with California State University, Sacramento, will be conducting comprehensive visitor surveys at the trailheads and staging areas funded by the OHV Trust Fund. The survey results will improve our ability to target funding where it’s needed and provide data to support California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance. Because the trailheads are located throughout California - from the Klamath and Modoc to the Sierra and Sequoia - this will be a substantial undertaking.

We need people willing to help us conduct visitor surveys at the trailheads, and could use the help of all the CNSA membership in this important effort. Volunteers are the key to making this a success.

If you or any of your membership are interested in contributing and volunteering some time, please have them contact Aaron Freitas at 916-324-1568 / aaronf@parks.ca.gov, or Terry Harper at 916-445-9982 / tharp@parks.ca.gov at the OHMVR Division. We would like to hear from you as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help us as we launch a new initiative to understand/characterize winter recreation.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Please call these guys.

Because they supply all the $$$ for snowmobile use on California land.

In other words ... if a trail is not surveyed it is because it is not used and as such may not get funding for stuff like , road plowing, snowkat, trail markings, maps , brush clearing.

So please show these guys we use the trails ... all of them !!!
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