Well guys im venting here a bit. i was looking at doing a project sled from bare tunnel up but went and talked with my local courthouse about how to register the sled when its done and she said that i would need the tunnel's vin # a bill of sale and the registration. im just like WTH? its a bare tunnel! so just out of curiosity how many of you (who have bought tunnels) have bought them with a registration or title?
IMO the state of iowa is frickin clueless when it comes to registrations and the regulations on snowmobiles. The regs are written so that they can be interpreted differently between officers and i have run into this before with registering my 03 RMK when the book said i had 30 days on bill of sale before the registration of the original owner would expire and i even called our local officer and had it ok'd but when i got out to ride it i get a ticket from some young dumb officer working for a special weekend telling me i dont get any amount of days even after i had it ok'd and the other officer to back me up!
ugh. i need to move...
rant concluded
any input though on if anyone gets registrations with bare tunnels?
IMO the state of iowa is frickin clueless when it comes to registrations and the regulations on snowmobiles. The regs are written so that they can be interpreted differently between officers and i have run into this before with registering my 03 RMK when the book said i had 30 days on bill of sale before the registration of the original owner would expire and i even called our local officer and had it ok'd but when i got out to ride it i get a ticket from some young dumb officer working for a special weekend telling me i dont get any amount of days even after i had it ok'd and the other officer to back me up!
ugh. i need to move...
rant concluded

any input though on if anyone gets registrations with bare tunnels?