Yeah, it's silly how different states handle OHV's, sleds, boats, trailers, etc.
Title, no title. Especially boats. I lose track now because we've moved 6 times in the last 12-13yrs and it's adifferent story everywhere. SOme states title the boat trailer, but not the boat, other states tile the boat and not the trailer it sits on. Some title both.
Always a pain to register something in a state that does title that item coming form a state that all they give you is a State Parks or DNR registration card and trying to explain why you don't have a title.
I'd gladly put up with that hassle though compared to the butt r@pping WA trys to inflict by taxing you on something you already owned when you move to this wonderful state!
Just went in and titled a new(er) car we bought. Paid my 9.5% on a cash private party sale, all legit prices on the bill of sale, title, affidavit of sales price/value, etc and they still tired to value the car at about $5k more than I paid. That's an extra $500 hit in tax!!
Same time I was titling an old truck I bought, not running, towed it home, paid the guy $300 for it. DMV says it's worth, wait, sit down..............................$5800!!!!! No effin way I'm paying almost $600 just to title a POS that may have had a blown motor when I bought it.
(it didn't, so I got a good deal for sure, but you can't tax me on somthing I don't have, like a $5800 truck! As it sits now, cleaned up and running, it's still only worth about $3k, but to me it was only worth 10% of that when I bought it no running with dead batteries and oil everywhere.)
Okay, off to register the quad before hunting season and my kid
s 30yr old sled, 'cause I want to support the WA trails and grooming, etc.
Gettin ready for another fight. Bought both private party, cash, before I moved here. QUad was almost brand new, but had been rolled and the PO dumped it cheap rather than spending a few thousand at the dealer to have it repaired.
Got all my ammo ready for the DMV, but bet they still hassle me on the value of it to get their nickle (well, thousands of nickles, haha).